// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Nheko Contributors // // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later import "./delegates" import "./device-verification" import "./dialogs" import "./emoji" import "./pages" import "./voip" import "./ui" import Qt.labs.platform 1.1 as Platform import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.15 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 import QtQuick.Window 2.15 import im.nheko 1.0 import im.nheko.EmojiModel 1.0 Pane { id: timelineRoot palette: Nheko.colors background: null padding: 0 FontMetrics { id: fontMetrics } RoomDirectoryModel { id: publicRooms } UserDirectoryModel { id: userDirectory } //Timer { // onTriggered: gc() // interval: 1000 // running: true // repeat: true //} EmojiPicker { id: emojiPopup colors: palette model: TimelineManager.completerFor("allemoji", "") } function showAliasEditor(settings) { var component = Qt.createComponent("qrc:/qml/dialogs/AliasEditor.qml") if (component.status == Component.Ready) { var dialog = component.createObject(timelineRoot, { "roomSettings": settings }); dialog.show(); destroyOnClose(dialog); } else { console.error("Failed to create component: " + component.errorString()); } } function showPLEditor(settings) { var component = Qt.createComponent("qrc:/qml/dialogs/PowerLevelEditor.qml") if (component.status == Component.Ready) { var dialog = component.createObject(timelineRoot, { "roomSettings": settings }); dialog.show(); destroyOnClose(dialog); } else { console.error("Failed to create component: " + component.errorString()); } } function showSpacePLApplyPrompt(settings, editingModel) { var component = Qt.createComponent("qrc:/qml/dialogs/PowerLevelSpacesApplyDialog.qml") if (component.status == Component.Ready) { var dialog = component.createObject(timelineRoot, { "roomSettings": settings, "editingModel": editingModel }); dialog.show(); destroyOnClose(dialog); } else { console.error("Failed to create component: " + component.errorString()); } } function showAllowedRoomsEditor(settings) { var component = Qt.createComponent("qrc:/qml/dialogs/AllowedRoomsSettingsDialog.qml") if (component.status == Component.Ready) { var dialog = component.createObject(timelineRoot, { "roomSettings": settings }); dialog.show(); destroyOnClose(dialog); } else { console.error("Failed to create component: " + component.errorString()); } } Component { id: readReceiptsDialog ReadReceipts { } } Shortcut { sequence: StandardKey.Quit onActivated: Qt.quit() } Shortcut { sequence: "Ctrl+K" onActivated: { var component = Qt.createComponent("qrc:/qml/QuickSwitcher.qml") if (component.status == Component.Ready) { var quickSwitch = component.createObject(timelineRoot); quickSwitch.open(); destroyOnClosed(quickSwitch); } else { console.error("Failed to create component: " + component.errorString()); } } } Shortcut { // Add alternative shortcut, because sometimes Alt+A is stolen by the TextEdit sequences: ["Alt+A", "Ctrl+Shift+A"] onActivated: Rooms.nextRoomWithActivity() } Shortcut { sequence: "Ctrl+Down" onActivated: Rooms.nextRoom() } Shortcut { sequence: "Ctrl+Up" onActivated: Rooms.previousRoom() } Connections { function onOpenLogoutDialog() { var component = Qt.createComponent("qrc:/qml/dialogs/LogoutDialog.qml") if (component.status == Component.Ready) { var dialog = component.createObject(timelineRoot); dialog.open(); destroyOnClose(dialog); } else { console.error("Failed to create component: " + component.errorString()); } } function onOpenJoinRoomDialog() { var component = Qt.createComponent("qrc:/qml/dialogs/JoinRoomDialog.qml") if (component.status == Component.Ready) { var dialog = component.createObject(timelineRoot); dialog.show(); destroyOnClose(dialog); } else { console.error("Failed to create component: " + component.errorString()); } } function onShowRoomJoinPrompt(summary) { var component = Qt.createComponent("qrc:/qml/dialogs/ConfirmJoinRoomDialog.qml") if (component.status == Component.Ready) { var dialog = component.createObject(timelineRoot, {"summary": summary}); dialog.show(); destroyOnClose(dialog); } else { console.error("Failed to create component: " + component.errorString()); } } target: Nheko } Connections { function onNewDeviceVerificationRequest(flow) { var component = Qt.createComponent("qrc:/qml/device-verification/DeviceVerification.qml") if (component.status == Component.Ready) { var dialog = component.createObject(timelineRoot, {"flow": flow}); dialog.show(); destroyOnClose(dialog); } else { console.error("Failed to create component: " + component.errorString()); } } target: VerificationManager } function destroyOnClose(obj) { if (obj.closing != undefined) obj.closing.connect(() => obj.destroy(1000)); else if (obj.aboutToHide != undefined) obj.aboutToHide.connect(() => obj.destroy(1000)); } function destroyOnClosed(obj) { obj.aboutToHide.connect(() => obj.destroy(1000)); } Connections { function onOpenProfile(profile) { var component = Qt.createComponent("qrc:/qml/dialogs/UserProfile.qml") if (component.status == Component.Ready) { var userProfile = component.createObject(timelineRoot, {"profile": profile}); userProfile.show(); destroyOnClose(userProfile); } else { console.error("Failed to create component: " + component.errorString()); } } function onShowImagePackSettings(room, packlist) { var component = Qt.createComponent("qrc:/qml/dialogs/ImagePackSettingsDialog.qml") if (component.status == Component.Ready) { var packSet = component.createObject(timelineRoot, { "room": room, "packlist": packlist }); packSet.show(); destroyOnClose(packSet); } else { console.error("Failed to create component: " + component.errorString()); } } function onOpenRoomMembersDialog(members, room) { var component = Qt.createComponent("qrc:/qml/dialogs/RoomMembers.qml") if (component.status == Component.Ready) { var membersDialog = component.createObject(timelineRoot, { "members": members, "room": room }); membersDialog.show(); destroyOnClose(membersDialog); } else { console.error("Failed to create component: " + component.errorString()); } } function onOpenRoomSettingsDialog(settings) { var component = Qt.createComponent("qrc:/qml/dialogs/RoomSettings.qml") if (component.status == Component.Ready) { var roomSettings = component.createObject(timelineRoot, { "roomSettings": settings }); roomSettings.show(); destroyOnClose(roomSettings); } else { console.error("Failed to create component: " + component.errorString()); } } function onOpenInviteUsersDialog(invitees) { var component = Qt.createComponent("qrc:/qml/dialogs/InviteDialog.qml") if (component.status == Component.Ready) { var dialog = component.createObject(timelineRoot, { "invitees": invitees }); dialog.show(); destroyOnClose(dialog); } else { console.error("Failed to create component: " + component.errorString()); } } function onOpenLeaveRoomDialog(roomid, reason) { var component = Qt.createComponent("qrc:/qml/dialogs/LeaveRoomDialog.qml") if (component.status == Component.Ready) { var dialog = component.createObject(timelineRoot, { "roomId": roomid, "reason": reason }); dialog.open(); destroyOnClose(dialog); } else { console.error("Failed to create component: " + component.errorString()); } } function onShowImageOverlay(room, eventId, url, originalWidth, proportionalHeight) { var component = Qt.createComponent("qrc:/qml/dialogs/ImageOverlay.qml") if (component.status == Component.Ready) { var dialog = component.createObject(timelineRoot, { "room": room, "eventId": eventId, "url": url, "originalWidth": originalWidth ?? 0, "proportionalHeight": proportionalHeight ?? 0 } ); dialog.showFullScreen(); destroyOnClose(dialog); } else { console.error("Failed to create component: " + component.errorString()); } } target: TimelineManager } Connections { function onNewInviteState() { if (CallManager.haveCallInvite && Settings.mobileMode) { var component = Qt.createComponent("qrc:/qml/voip/CallInvite.qml") if (component.status == Component.Ready) { var dialog = component.createObject(timelineRoot); dialog.open(); destroyOnClose(dialog); } else { console.error("Failed to create component: " + component.errorString()); } } } target: CallManager } SelfVerificationCheck { } InputDialog { id: uiaPassPrompt echoMode: TextInput.Password title: UIA.title prompt: qsTr("Please enter your login password to continue:") onAccepted: (t) => { return UIA.continuePassword(t); } } InputDialog { id: uiaEmailPrompt title: UIA.title prompt: qsTr("Please enter a valid email address to continue:") onAccepted: (t) => { return UIA.continueEmail(t); } } PhoneNumberInputDialog { id: uiaPhoneNumberPrompt title: UIA.title prompt: qsTr("Please enter a valid phone number to continue:") onAccepted: (p, t) => { return UIA.continuePhoneNumber(p, t); } } InputDialog { id: uiaTokenPrompt title: UIA.title prompt: qsTr("Please enter the token which has been sent to you:") onAccepted: (t) => { return UIA.submit3pidToken(t); } } Platform.MessageDialog { id: uiaErrorDialog buttons: Platform.MessageDialog.Ok } Platform.MessageDialog { id: uiaConfirmationLinkDialog buttons: Platform.MessageDialog.Ok text: qsTr("Wait for the confirmation link to arrive, then continue.") onAccepted: UIA.continue3pidReceived() } Connections { function onPassword() { console.log("UIA: password needed"); uiaPassPrompt.show(); } function onEmail() { uiaEmailPrompt.show(); } function onPhoneNumber() { uiaPhoneNumberPrompt.show(); } function onPrompt3pidToken() { uiaTokenPrompt.show(); } function onConfirm3pidToken() { uiaConfirmationLinkDialog.open(); } function onError(msg) { uiaErrorDialog.text = msg; uiaErrorDialog.open(); } target: UIA } StackView { id: mainWindow anchors.fill: parent initialItem: welcomePage Transition { id: reducedMotionTransitionExit PropertyAnimation { property: "opacity" from: 1 to:0 duration: 200 } } Transition { id: reducedMotionTransitionEnter SequentialAnimation { PropertyAction { property: "opacity"; value: 0 } PauseAnimation { duration: 200 } PropertyAnimation { property: "opacity" from: 0 to:1 duration: 200 } } } // for some reason direct bindings to a hidden StackView don't work, so manually store and restore here. property Transition pushEnterOrg property Transition pushExitOrg property Transition popEnterOrg property Transition popExitOrg property Transition replaceEnterOrg property Transition replaceExitOrg Component.onCompleted: { pushEnterOrg = pushEnter; popEnterOrg = popEnter; replaceEnterOrg = replaceEnter; pushExitOrg = pushExit; popExitOrg = popExit; replaceExitOrg = replaceExit; updateTrans() } function updateTrans() { pushEnter = Settings.reducedMotion ? reducedMotionTransitionEnter : pushEnterOrg; pushExit = Settings.reducedMotion ? reducedMotionTransitionExit : pushExitOrg; popEnter = Settings.reducedMotion ? reducedMotionTransitionEnter : popEnterOrg; popExit = Settings.reducedMotion ? reducedMotionTransitionExit : popExitOrg; replaceEnter = Settings.reducedMotion ? reducedMotionTransitionEnter : replaceEnterOrg; replaceExit = Settings.reducedMotion ? reducedMotionTransitionExit : replaceExitOrg; } Connections { target: Settings function onReducedMotionChanged() { mainWindow.updateTrans(); } } } Component { id: welcomePage WelcomePage { } } Component { id: chatPage ChatPage { } } Component { id: loginPage LoginPage { } } Component { id: registerPage RegisterPage { } } Component { id: userSettingsPage UserSettingsPage { } } Snackbar { id: snackbar } Connections { function onSwitchToChatPage() { mainWindow.replace(null, chatPage); } function onSwitchToLoginPage(error) { mainWindow.replace(welcomePage, {}, loginPage, {"error": error}, StackView.PopTransition); } function onShowNotification(msg) { snackbar.showNotification(msg); console.log("New snack: " + msg); } target: MainWindow } }