feat(matrix/fediverse): allow users to favorite, reblog, and redact Fediverse posts from Matrix, using m.reaction on our new meta field. feat(fediverse): add suggestions for follow/unfollow commands. refactor(matrix/fediverse): add meta field for commands by reaction, and commands by reply. refactor(fediverse): relax polling on timeline/notifs thru new handling.
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76 lines
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const { JSDOM } = require('jsdom');
const qs = require('qs');
const sleep = ms => new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, ms));
const headers = ({ domain, userAgent }) => ({
'Host': `${domain}`,
'User-Agent': `${userAgent}`
const archive = async (instance, url, rearchive) => {
const form = await instance({ method: 'GET', url: '/' });
if (form.statusText !== 'OK') throw form;
const submitId = form.data.match(/name="submitid" value="([^"]+)/);
const submit = await instance({
method: 'POST',
url: '/submit/',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' },
data: qs.stringify({ anyway: rearchive ? '1' : undefined, submitid: submitId ? submitId[1] : undefined, url })
submit.title = new JSDOM(submit.data).window.document.title;
if (submit.statusText !== 'OK') throw submit;
if (submit.request.path !== '/submit/')
return { id: submit.request.path, date: submit.headers['memento-datetime'], title: submit.title };
if (submit.headers.refresh)
return { refresh: submit.headers.refresh.split(';url=')[1] };
throw submit;
const reqStr = str => `<em>Sending archive request for <code>${str}</code></em>`;
const arc1Str = str => `<em>Archiving page <code>${str}</code></em>`;
const arc2Str = (str, title, date) => `<em>Archived page <code><a href="https://${str}">${str}</code> [${date}]</em><br /><b>${title}</b>`;
const arc3Str = str => `<em>Timed out <code>${str}</code></em>`;
const run = async (roomId, userInput, rearchive) => {
const instance = axios.create({
baseURL: `https://${config.archive.domain}`,
headers: headers(config.archive),
transformResponse: [],
timeout: 10 * 1000
let reply = null;
try {
reply = await matrixClient.sendHtmlNotice(roomId, '', reqStr(userInput));
const { refresh, id, title, date } = await archive(instance, userInput, rearchive);
if (id)
return await matrix.utils.editNoticeHTML(roomId, reply, arc2Str(`${config.archive.domain}${id}`, title, date));
if (refresh) {
const path = refresh.split(`https://${config.archive.domain}`);
if (!path[1]) throw refresh;
await matrix.utils.editNoticeHTML(roomId, reply, arc1Str(refresh));
let tries = 30;
while (tries--) {
await sleep(10000);
const { title, date, id } = await archive(instance, userInput);
if (rearchive == false && title !== undefined)
return await matrix.utils.editNoticeHTML(roomId, reply, arc2Str(`${config.archive.domain}${id}`, title, date));
const { request: { path: reqPath }, headers: { 'memento-datetime': rearchiveDate } } = await instance({ method: 'HEAD', url: path[1] })
.catch(e => ({ request: { path: path[1] } }));
if (rearchive == true && reqPath !== path[1])
return await matrix.utils.editNoticeHTML(roomId, reply, arc2Str(`${config.archive.domain}${reqPath}`, title, rearchiveDate));
return await matrix.utils.editNoticeHTML(roomId, reply, arc3Str(refresh));
throw 'sad';
} catch (e) {
const sad = `<strong>Sad!</strong><br /><code>${`${e}`.replace(/<[^<]+?>/g, '').substr(0, 100)}</code>`;
if (reply)
matrix.utils.editNoticeHTML(roomId, reply, sad, 'sad').catch(() => {});
matrixClient.sendHtmlNotice(roomId, 'sad', sad).catch(() => {});
exports.runQuery = run;