forked from madved/locales
165 lines
7.4 KiB
165 lines
7.4 KiB
import { Map } from "immutable";
export const msgs: Map<string, string> = Map({
"terms.nothingHere": "Здесь ничего нет",
"": "не удалось получить идентификатор капчи",
"": "Не удалось удалить загружаемый элемент",
"": "Имя папки не может быть пустым",
"": "Пожалуйста, сначала выберите файл или папку для удаления",
"": "Исходный каталог совпадает с каталогом назначения",
"": "Не удалось включить общий доступ",
"": "Не удалось отключить общий доступ",
"browser.share.del": "Прекратить делиться",
"browser.share.add": "Поделиться папкой",
"browser.share.title": "Обмен",
"browser.share.desc": "Все папки, которые являются общими",
"browser.upload.title": "Загрузки",
"browser.upload.desc": "Все файлы находящиеся в загрузке",
"": "Имя папки",
"browser.folder.add": "Добавить папку",
"browser.upload": "Загрузить",
"browser.delete": "Удалить",
"browser.paste": "Вставить",
"": "Выбрать",
"browser.deselect": "Отменить выбор",
"browser.selectAll": "Выбрать всё",
"browser.stop": "Стоп",
"browser.disable": "Зарпетить",
"browser.location": "Расположение",
"browser.item.title": "Предметы",
"browser.used": "Используемое пространство",
"panes.close": "Закрыть",
"": "Не удалось выйти из системы",
"login.username": "Имя пользователя",
"login.captcha": "Капча",
"login.pwd": "Пароль",
"login.login": "Авторизоваться",
"login.logout": "Выход из системы",
"settings.pwd.notSame": "Входные пароли отличаются",
"settings.pwd.empty": "Пароль не может быть пустым",
"settings.pwd.notChanged": "Новый пароль может быть идентичен старому паролю",
update: "Обновление",
"settings.pwd.old": "Старый пароль",
"settings.pwd.new1": "Новый пароль",
"settings.pwd.new2": "Подтвердите новый пароль",
"settings.chooseLan": "Выберите язык",
"settings.pwd.update": "Обновить пароль",
settings: "Настройки",
admin: "Админ",
"update.ok": "Обновление закончено",
"": "Не удалось обновить",
"": "Не удалось удалить",
"delete.ok": "Удалось удалить",
delete: "Удалить",
spaceLimit: "Лимит пространства",
uploadLimit: "Ограничение скорости загрузки",
downloadLimit: "Ограничение скорости скачивания",
"": "Не удалось создать",
"add.ok": "Удалось создать",
"После удаления этой роли некоторые пользователи не смогут войти в систему.",
"": "ID пользователя",
"user.add": "Добавить пользователя",
"": "User Name",
"user.role": "User Role",
"user.password": "User Password",
add: "Add",
"admin.users": "Users",
"role.add": "Add Role",
"": "Role Name",
"admin.roles": "Roles",
zhCN: "简体中文",
enUS: "English (US)",
"": "Failed to move",
"share.404.title": "No folder is in sharing",
"share.404.desc": "You can share a folder in the items tab",
"upload.404.title": "No uploading is in the progress",
"upload.404.desc": "You can upload a file in the items tab",
detail: "Detail",
refresh: "Refresh",
"refresh-hint": "Please refresh later to see the result",
"pane.login": "Login",
"pane.admin": "Administration",
"pane.settings": "Settings",
"logout.confirm": "Are you going to logout?",
unauthed: "Unauthorized action",
"err.tooManyUploads": "Can not upload more than 1000 files at once",
"user.profile": "User Profile",
"user.downLimit": "Download Speed Limit",
"user.upLimit": "Upload Speed Limit",
"user.spaceLimit": "Space Limit",
"cfg.siteName": "Site Name",
"cfg.siteDesc": "Site Description",
"": "Background",
"": "Background URL",
"": "Repeat",
"": "Position",
"": "Align",
"": "Background Color",
reset: "Reset",
"bg.url.alert": "Image URL is too short or too long",
"bg.pos.alert": "Position only supports: top, bottom, left, right, center",
"Repeat only supports: repeat-x, repeat-y, repeat, space, round, no-repeat",
"bg.align.alert": "Align only supports: scroll, fixed, local",
"prefer.theme": "Theme",
"prefer.theme.url": "Theme URL",
"settings.customLan": "Customized Language Pack",
"settings.lanPackURL": "Language Pack URL",
"": "Operation Failed",
"op.confirm": "Do you confirm to apply the action?",
"control.panelTabs.filesPanel": "Files",
"control.panelTabs.uploadingsPanel": "Uploadings",
"control.panelTabs.sharingsPanel": "Sharings",
"control.settingsTabs.managementPane": "Management",
"control.settingsTabs.preferencePane": "Preference",
"": "Some files conflict with uploading files, please check.",
"": "The operation failed in the server",
"err.updater": "updater error",
"err.uploadMgr": "Upload Manager error",
"err.server": "The operation failed in the server",
"err.script.cors": "script error with CORS",
"err.unknown": "unknown error",
"item.type": "Item Type",
"item.type.folder": "Folder",
"item.type.file": "File",
"": "Item Name",
"item.path": "Path",
"item.modTime": "Mod Time",
"item.size": "Size",
"item.progress": "Progress",
"item.downloadURL": "Download URL",
"": "Error Report",
"op.truncate": "Truncate",
"op.submit": "Submit",
"op.cancel": "Cancel",
"term.time": "Time",
"breadcrumb.loc": "Location",
endpoints: "Endpoints",
"endpoints.root": "Root",
"endpoints.home": "Home",
"state.stopped": "Stopped",
"state.error": "Error",
usedSpace: "Used Space",
resetUsedSpace: "Reset Used Space",
"confirm.resetUsedSpace": "The operation may take some time, do you confirm?",
theme: "Theme",
"theme.light": "Light",
"theme.dark": "Dark",
"siteSettings": "Site Settings",
"siteName": "Site Name",
"siteDesc": "Site Description",
"allowSetBg": "Allow user to customize background",
"autoTheme": "Enable auto theme switching",
"term.enabled": "Enabled",
"term.disabled": "Disabled",
"term.dropAnywhere": "Drop files anywhere",
"": "Search",
"term.results": "Results",
"term.noResult": "No result found",
"action.go": "Go",
"hint.keywords": "Please input keyword(s), separated by spaces",
"action.reindex": "Reindex",
"action.reindex.desc": "Reconstruct the search index",
"action.reindex.confirm": "If there are a lot of files and folders, rebuilding index may take some time.",